Stefan Moal

Professeur des universités

Phone : +33 298 743 750

e-mail : stefan.moal[at] (stefan[dot]moal[at]univ-rennes2[dot]fr)

Building L
Office L204


Full professor, Breton language and culture.

Vice-president of the agrégation of "Languages of France" - option: Breton, 2024-25.

Jury member of the agrégation of "Languages of France" - option: Breton, 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24.

Jury member of the Breton CAPES (competitive State examination for the secondary teaching diploma and recruitment), 1997-2000, 2003-06 (member), 2015-17 (vice-chair), 2018, 2023, 2024 (chair).

International exchanges coordinator for the department of Breton and Celtic.

Coordinator of distance learning courses for the department of Breton and Celtic (SUP-CED) 2012-23.

Council member of the Service Universitaire de Pédagogie (Distance-Learning Service).

Director of research unit CRBC Rennes (Breton and Celtic Research Centre, Unit number), 2016-21.

Member of the National Council of Universities, 73rd section ("Regional Languages"), 2018-23.

Member of ARCOM Rennes (Regulation Authority of Audiovisual and Digital communication) since 2024.

Member of Doctoral Council ALL Arts-Lettres-Langues, Brittany, since 2022.

Member of research unit CELTIC-BLM (Centre for the Study of Languages, Territories and Cultural Identities – Brittant Minority Languages), Rennes 2.

Member of the Management Committee of COST Action PLURILINGMEDIA "Language Plurality in Europe’s Changing Media Sphere". 2024>28.

Member of Capes-Cofecub program « Linguistic Discrimination and Social prejudice: a comparative study between Brazil and France ». CELTIC-BLM Rennes 2 and LABPEC, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Brazil. 2024>27.

Member of the Management Committee of COST Action CLILNetLE "CLIL Network for Languages in Education: Towards bi- and multilingual disciplinary literacies". 2023>26.

Co-founder of European cooperation Erasmus+ project  TITLE: « Training for inclusion in territorial language education ». Partners: Conradh na Gaeilge, Oideas Gael, Conselleria d’Educació, ACPV Acció Cultural del País Valencià), ELEN (European Language Equality Network). 2021-23.

Member of the Management Committee of COST Action ENTAN "European Network for Non-Teriitorial Autnonomy", 2018-22.

Member of the Management Committee of COST Action ''New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe: Opportunities and Challenges", 2014-17.

Member of the Scientific committee of the 11th International Symposium on Bilingualism: ''Bilingualism, Multilingualism and the New Speaker'", University of Limerick, Ireland, 11-15 June 2017.

Member of the scientific board of ISLRF (Institut Supérieur des Langues de la République Française).


Professional background

2024> Full professor, Breton language and culture.

2008-24  Senior lecturer, Breton language and culture, University of Rennes 2 (habilitated to supervise doctoral research since 2017).

1999-2008  Lecturer, Breton and English, teacher training college of Brittany (Saint-Brieuc), junior lecturer (university of Rennes) and part-time audiovisual translator for dubbing, TV Breizh / Dizale (Lorient).         

1992-1999  Lecturer, Breton and English, teacher training college of of Brittany (Saint-Brieuc), part-time journalist, Breton language TV news, France 3 Iroise (Brest).

1988-1991  Lecturer, Breton and English, teacher training college of Finistère/Penn-ar-Bed (Kemper) and part-time journalist, Breton language radio news, Radio France Bretagne Ouest (Kemper).

1987-1988   Teacher, Breton and history-geography in Breton, Max Jacob secondary school (Kemper).

1986-1987   Trainee teacher, Regional Pedagogic Centre and Émile Zola secondary school (Rennes).

1984-1985   French language tutor, University College Cork (Ireland).


2017 : Qualification thesis to be habilitated to supervise doctoral research (University of Rennes).

2004 : PhD in Celtic studies (University of Rennes).

1998 : MA in "Anglo-Celtic" (University of Rennes).

1986 : Secondary school teaching diploma, major : Breton, minor : English (University of Rennes).

1984 : Breton BA, magna cum laude ; English BA, cum laude (University of Rennes).

1981-1983 : preparatory course for advanced studies in arts and literature (Clémenceau and Guist’Hau high schools, Nantes)


My research areas are essentially the bilingual media and education, in Breton and other minoritized languages – mainly Celtic – with a comparative approach : sociolinguistic, institutional and political. I am also interested in the literary expression of a contemporary identity in Breton, as well as in translation – both literary and audiovisual. My general perspective is one of symbiosis between the language practices of traditional and new speakers.          

Teaching activities

2nd year BA : literary analysis, media studies, methodology workshops

3rd year BA : oral and written expression

1st year Master's (research) : media studies

1st year Master's (teacher training) : Breton literature for the secondary school teaching diploma

2nd year Master's (research) : linguistic and sociolinguistic fieldwork techniques

Agrégation (senior secondary teaching diploma) : Itron Varia Garmez (novel by Y.Drezen) and poetry of the 1970s

Diploma in Celtic Studies : 19th-21st century Breton prose


Articles in national and international journals or volumes

Upcoming :

Moal, Stefan (upcoming 2022). Le citoyen Jean Conan et les femmes, ou une version bretonne du male gaze à la fin du 18è siècle. In : A. Debibakas & E. Hupel (Eds.), Femmes de(s) lettres minoritaires. Rennes : TIR.

Chantreau, Katell & Moal, Stefan (upcoming 2022). The family transmission of Breton : influence of separations and family recompositions. In : Transmitting minority languages: Complementary reversing language shift strategies. M. Hornsby & W.McLeod (Eds.), Palgrave.

Moal, Stefan (upcoming 2022). Loyauté linguistique et langues celtiques : une étude comparée. In : C. Alén Garabato & R. Colonna (Eds.), La loyauté linguistique. Paris : L'Harmattan, collection Sociolinguistique.

Published :

Moal, Stefan, Gastão Saliés, Tânia. & Spitz, Claudia (2021). Schooling as the New Site of Heritage Language Transmission: From Breton’s Past Experience to Implications for PHL Pedagogy. In : G. Marques-Schäfer, R.C.S.F. Stanke (Eds.). DaF e Aprendizagem Intercultural / DaF und interkulturelles Lernen, GiF:on Giessener Fremdsprachendidaktik: online 17. Giessen : Giessen University Library Publications. 153-186.

Moal, Stefan (2020). Revernacularisation de la langue bretonne : tuilage intergénérationnel plutôt que césure. L'exemple du média radiophonique. In : M. Banegas Saorin & J. Sibille (éds), 2020, Entre francisation et démarcation. Usages hérités et usages renaissantistes des langues régionales de France, Collection Carnets d'Atelier de Sociolinguistique, n° 13, Paris : L'Harmattan. 149-156.

Moal, Stefan (2019). Breton in the choir of minority languages worldwide. In : Y. Defrance, (Ed.), Voicing the Unheard. Music as windows for minorities. Actes du symposium international « Music and Minorities » de l’ICTM (International Council for Traditional Music), Université Rennes 2, 4-8 juillet 2016 (pp.229-244). Paris : L’Harmattan, collection Anthropologie et Musique.

Moal, Stefan (2019). The New Irish : Iwerzhoniz nevez, iwerzhonegerien nevez. In : G. Pigeon & G.Hily (Dir.), Migrations et territoires celtiques : mouvement spatial et mutations culturelles. Divroañ hag enbroañ ar Gelted : dilec’hiañ ha cheñch sevenadur. Actes du colloque de l’université Rennes 2, 20-21 octobre 2016 (pp.101-120). Rennes : TIR.

Moal, Stefan (2019). À la recherche des nouveaux locuteurs. COST New Speakers. In : Palimpseste n°1, Hiver 2019. 8-9.

Moal Stefan (2018). "War zigarez adlenn An Dour en-dro d’an Inizi gant Youenn Drezen" in R.Le Coadic (Ed.), A festschrift in honor of Professor Favereau. Morlaix : Skol Vreizh, p.575-595

Moal Stefan (2018). "Un damsell ouzh ar c'hembraeg er mediaoù e 2018" in Al Liamm n°429, p.81-98

Moal Stefan, Ó Murchadha Noel & Walsh John (2018). "New speakers and language in the media: Audience design in Breton and Irish broadcast media" in Cassie Smith-Christmas, Noel Ó Murchadha, Michael Hornsby & Máiréad Moriarty, New Speakers and Minority Languages: Linguistic Ideologies and Practices, Basingstokes, Palgrave-Macmillan, p.189-210

Moal Stefan (2017). "Traditional and new speakers of Breton : the transmission challenge" in Europäisches Journal für Minderheitenfragen / European Journal of Minority Studies, EJM, Vol.10, n°3-4/2017. p.208-230

Moal Stefan (2017). "E koun Lenora Timm" in Al Liamm n°421, p.59-64

Moal Stefan (2017). "L’identité des Montserratiens : afro-­‐caribéenne, anglo-­irlandaise, pré et post-­‐volcanique" in Françoise Léziart (dir.), Porto Rico à la croisée des chemins, altérité et différence dans les Caraïbes, Rennes, PUR, p.121-141

Moal Stefan (2016). "An enbroidi : Iwerzhoniz nevez. Iwerzhonegerien nevez ?" in Al Liamm n°417, p.61-78 (Migrants : the New Irish. New speakers of Irish ?)

Moal Stefan (2016). "La Jeune Folle, ur film (1952) gant Yves Allégret", in Ar Follez Yaouank, by Meavenn, new expanded edition, Quimper, Mouladurioù Hor Yezh, ​p.83-91

Moal Stefan (2016). "Locuteurs traditionnels et nouveaux locuteurs de langue bretonne : un auto-odi peut en cacher un autre" in Carmen Alén Garabato & Romain Colonna, Auto-odi. La "haine de soi" en sociolinguistique, Paris, L'Harmattan, coll "Sociolinguistique", p.119-144

Moal Stefan (2014). "La force de la littérature comme outil glottopolitique pour une langue minorisée : le cas du breton" in Romain Colonna (éd.) Les Locuteurs et les langues : pouvoirs, non-pouvoirs et contre-pouvoirs, Moal Stefan (2013). "L’écrivain en langue minorisée : un agent glottopolitique ?" (proceedings of the international conference organised by the francophone network of sociolinguistics, University of Corsica, Corte, 05/07/2013), Limoges, Éditions Lambert-Lucas, p. 309-320

Moal Stefan (2014). "Yann Gerven, voix singulière du polar en langue bretonne", in Nelly Blanchard & Manaïg Thomas (eds), Des littératures périphériques", Rennes, PUR, p.201-215

Moal Stefan (2013). "Les Black Irish de l’île de Montserrat, au-dessous du volcan", in Ronan Le Coadic (ed), De la domination à la reconnaissance. Antilles, Afrique et Bretagne, Rennes, PUR, p.185-204

Moal Stefan (2013). "Traduire l’audiovisuel en langue minoritaire, un sixième sens ?", in Jean-Yves Le Disez & Winibert Segers (eds) Le bon sens en traduction, collection Rivages linguistiques, Rennes, PUR, p.143-156

Moal Stefan (2010). "Les langues minorisées à la télévision : convergences, divergences, problématiques transfrontalières dans l’espace Atlantique européen", in Yann Bévant, Gwendal Denis, Hervé Le Bihan (eds), Cultures, langues et imaginaires de l’Arc Atlantique, Rennes, TIR-CRBC, p.199-228

Moal Stefan (2009). "Des écoles bilingues breton-français ? Oui. Breto-centriques : non !" in L'Autre, Cliniques, cultures et sociétés, revue transculturelle, 2009/3, Vol.10, Grenoble, La Pensée Sauvage, p.350-351

Moal Stefan (2009). "Enseignement bilingue français-breton : quelles sont les motivations des parents ?" in Patrick Sauzet & François Pic (eds), Politique linguistique et enseignement des "langues de France", Paris, L'Harmattan, p.149-171

Moal Stefan (2009). "Pour un trihori anglais-breton-français dans les classes bilingues de Bretagne" in Gilles Forlot (ed), L’anglais et le plurilinguisme, pour une didactique des contacts et des passerelles linguistiques, Pariz, L'Harmattan, collection Espaces discursifs, p.101-116

Moal Stefan (2009). "La langue bretonne en 2009 : quelques éléments" in Tréma, n°31, L’enseignement des langues régionales de France aujourd’hui : état des lieux et perspectives, Montpellier: IUFM, p.27-37

Moal Stefan (2008). "Nolwenn Korbell, ur bae, ur bed", in Herve Bihan & Francis Favereau (eds), Kan ha Barzhoniezh, Rennes, TIR-CRBC, p.77-93

Moal Stefan (2008). "Un exemple de double collatéralité : les informations télévisées en langue bretonne", in Jean-Michel Eloy & Tadhg Ó hIfearnáin (eds), Des langues collatérales 2, Langues proches, langues collatérales, Paris, L'Harmattan, p.193-206

Moal Stefan (2007). "Enseignement bilingue français-breton : quelles sont les motivations des parents ?", in Christelle Burban & Christian Lagarde (eds), L’école : instrument de sauvetage des langues menacées?, Perpignan, Presses Universitaires de Perpignan, coll. Études, p.219-232

Moal Stefan (2006). "Le breton à l’aube d’un nouveau millénaire", in Michel Quitout, Langues de France et français d’ailleurs, Revue des Deux Rives n°4, Paris, L’Harmattan, p.47-70

Moal Stefan (2006). "Breton saved by the middle classes : but what are their motives ?" in Anne Gallagher & Muiris Ó Laoire, Language education in Ireland : current practices and future needs, Dublin, IRAAL (Irish Association for Applied Linguistics), p.217-236

Moal Stefan (2004). "L'anglais et l'irlandais sur RTE et TG4, le français et le breton sur France 3 et TV Breizh", in Anne Goarzin (ed), Bretagne et Irlande, Régions celtiques, régions périphériques, Rennes, Klask n°9, PUR, p.11-25

Moal Stefan (2004). "Purism in Breton : rather death than taint ?", in Thomas Stolz & Dónall Ó Riagáin Purism in the age of globalisation : second helping, Bochum, Diversitas Linguarum vol.6, Université Brockmeyer, p.73-98 

Moal Stefan (2003). "How can one be a Breton speaker in the XXIst century ?", in Lawrence R.Schehr et Jean-François Fourny (eds), Contemporary French Civilization, Minorities in France, vol XXVI n°3, Urbana, University of Illinois, p.321-355   

Moal Stefan (2003). "Advouezhiañ filmoù e brezhoneg, ur vicher nevez evit komedianed Breizh", in Francis Favereau (ed), Ar c'hoariva brezhoneg a-gozh hag a-nevez, Klask n°8, Rennes, PUR, p.117-134

Moal Stefan (2001). "Broadcast Media in Breton : dawn at last ?", in Helen Kelly-Holmes (ed), Minority Language Broadcasting, Breton and Irish, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters, p.31-48

Moal Stefan (2000). "Waiting for TV Breizh ?", in Richard F.E. Sutcliffe & Gearóid Ó Néill (eds), 6th Annual Conference of the North American Association for Celtic Language Teachers : The Information Age, Celtic Languages and the New Millenium, Luimneach, University of Limerick, 2000, p.83-88

Moal Stefan (1999). "Pourquoi et comment utiliser les informations télévisées dans l'enseignement bilingue", in Francis Favereau (ed),  Le bilinguisme précoce, Rennes, Klask n°5, PUR, p.159-168

Moal Stefan (1996). "Teacher Training, the Breton experience", proceedings of the seminar organised by the Department of Education of Luxemburg, UNESCO and the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages, Luxemburg, EBLUL, p.73-81

Moal Stefan (1995). "Teacher Training in Breton" in A.Dekkers (ed.), Teacher Training of Minority Languages for primary and secondary education, EMOL project, Leeuwarden, Fryske Akademy &  Mercator Education, vol. I, p.152-167                                                                           

Moal Stefan (1995). "Breton", chapter of the proceedings of the conference "The Lesser Used Languages and Teacher Education: towards the promotion of the European dimension", Eilís Ní Dheá, Máire, Ní Neachtain & Antóin ó Dubhghaill (eds.) Limerick, Mary Immaculate College, p.81-93   

Other articles

Moal Stefan (2017). "Langue bretonne et dialectes. Un duo plutôt qu'un duel" in Land und Sproch n°204, p.19-20

Moal Stefan (2017). "Parler breton. L’enjeu de la transmission" in Ar Men n°220, p.16-23

Moal Stefan (2015). Book review : "Les Langues régionales au bord du gouffre ?" by Thierry Kranzer, Fouesnant : Yoran embanner, 2015, 295 p., in Ar Men n°209, November-December 2015, p.74

Moal Stefan (2010). "Montserrat, l’Irlande aux Caraïbes" in Ar Men n°177, July-August 2010, p. 36-43

Moal Stefan (2006). "Breton : construire un avenir" in Ar Men n°150, special issue : Bretagne, 20 ans de passion, 20 ans de projets, p. 44-53           

Communications without proceedings in an international or national congress

Moal Stefan (2018). "Breton : from revitalisation to revernacularization". International Conference on Revitalization of the Hakka Language and Minority Languages, College of Hakka Studies, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 16/12/2018.

Moal Stefan (2019). English/French moderator of round table "Progrès et limites de la transmission familiale au gré des différentes politiques linguistiques : les conditions de la réalité linguistique au quotidien" with Emili Boix Fuster (Catalan), Jonathan Morris (Welsh), Tadhg Ó hIfearnàin (Irish), Bernadette O’Rourke (Galician), Cassandra Smith-Christmas (Scottish gaelic). International conference Langue bretonne, langues minorisées : avenir et transmission familiale. Université Bretagne Sud, Lorient. 24/11/2018.

Moal Stefan (2018). "Postvernacular, really ? Quelle revernacularisation pour le breton au 21è siècle ?" International conference langue bretonne, langues minorisées : avenir et transmission familiale. Université Bretagne Sud, Lorient. 23/11/2018.

Moal Stefan (2018). "The 2018 sociolinguistic survey in Brittany : some facts and pathways for development". 3rd Celtic Sociolinguistics Symposium, National University of Ireland, Galway, 17/11/2018.

Moal Stefan (2018). "La formation des enseignants en langue régionale : le cas du breton". Colloque national des langues régionales FLAREP – Rencontres de Strasbourg des Langues régionales ou minoritaires d’Europe, Institut Universitaire de Technologie, Colmar, 19/10/2018.

Moal Stefan (2018). "Institutionnalisation et revernacularisation de la langue bretonne : tuilage plutôt que césure". Journée d'étude "Entre francisation et démarcation : usages hérités et usages renaissantistes des langues régionales de France, Université de Valenciennes, 14/09/2018.

Moal Stefan (2018). "Institutionnalisation et revernacularisation de la langue bretonne : tuilage plutôt que césure". One-day seminar "Entre francisation et démarcation : usages hérités et usages renaissantistes des langues régionales de France, University of Valenciennes. 14/09/2018.

Moal Stefan (2017). "Ideologies, self-perception and practices in new speakers’ competence and varieties". Panel with Mrs Ane Ortega Etcheverry, M. Colin Flynn, M. Noel Ó Murchadha & M. John Walsh. New Speakers Network Final Whole Action Conference, Universidade de Coimbra. 14-16/09/2017.

Moal Stefan (2017). "Modes of ‘new speakerness’: Routes and trajectories of transmission in becoming a new speaker". Panel with Mrs Natalia Ringblom, Mrs Sviatlana Karpava & Mrs Anastassia Zabrodskaja, M. Michael Hornsby, M. Ibon Manterola, M. Facundo & Reyna Muniain. 11th International Symposium on Bilingualism, University of Limerick. 11-15/06/2017.

Moal Stefan (2016). "Les langues et les cultures régionales : quelles valeurs ajoutées dans le concert polysémique de la mondialisation ? Contribution bretonne à la thématique". 25e Rencontres Interrégionales des Langues et Cultures Régionales, Mémorial ACTe, Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe. 20-21/10/2016.

Moal Stefan (2016). 'Iwerzhoniz nevez : enbroidi hag iwerzhonegerien war un dro", International Conference "Celtic migrations and territories : Spatial movement and cultural changes", University of Rennes, 20/10/2016

Moal Stefan (2016). "Characterising new speakers of Breton: Between ideologies, expectations and practices", 2nd Celtic Sociolinguistics Symposium, Coláiste na Tríonóide / Trinity College, Baile Átha Cliath / Dublin, 13/10/2016

Moal Stefan (2016). "Breton in the " World Choir " of Minority Languages", International Council for Traditional Music, Study Group Symposium “Music and Minorities”, University of Rennes, 04/07/2016

Moal Stefan (2015). "Locuteurs de langue bretonne : Nouveau = néo ? Néo = xéno ?", journée d’étude ERIMIT – CRBC – IDENTICAT "Nouveaux locuteurs dans l’Europe plurilingue du XXIe siècle : enjeux, défis, richesses", University of Rennes, 07/05/2015

Moal Stefan (2015). "Contemporary Breton culture", 1st Harvard Breton workshop, 12/05/2015, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, 12/05/2015

Moal Stefan (2014). The supposedly irreconcilable divide between traditional and new speakers of Breton : changing perceptions among the academia, 2nd International Symposium on new speakers in a multilingual Europe : opportunities and challenges, Barcelona, Catalonia, 20/11/2014

Moal Stefan (2014). Language Policy ? The case of novel and short story writer Yann Gerven. 1st  Poznań Conference of Celtic Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, 18/10/2014

Moal Stefan (2014). Breton literature in the 21st century : tuilage as a response to the postvernacular challenge, 34th Annual Harvard Celtic Colloquium, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, 12/10/2014

Moal Stefan (2014). "Dourioù ha douaroù, karantez ha karantez-vro e-barzh An Dour en-dro d'an Inizi gant Youenn Drezen", colloquium organized by Ti Douar Alre, Kerlenn Sten Kidna, the universities of Rennes 2, Western-Brittany and Southern-Brittany, Auray, 08/04/2014
Moal Stefan (2013). "Montserrat, l'Irlande des Caraïbes", seminar organized by the Centre for Irish Studies, University of Rennes, 14/11/2013

Moal Stefan (2013). "The Breton language, historical background and present situation", University of the Basque country, Vitoria-Gasteiz

Moal Stefan (2012). "The Douarnenez Film festival, a third of a century of exchanges with the «English-speaking world»", 1st encounters Brittany/English-speaking world, University of Western Brittany, Brest-Kemper, org. CRBC, 28-29/12/2012

Moal Stefan (2011). "Imagined audiences in Irish and Breton written media", 4th International Language in the Media Conference : Rethinking the Field, University of Limerick, 06-08/06/2011

Moal Stefan (2007). "Sustaining minority language communities : the case of Breton", international conference, Belfast Studies in Language, Culture and Politics, org. John M. Kirk & Dónall Ó Baoill, Queen's University, Belfast

Moal Stefan (2007). "A counterpoint from across the « Sianel »" : Breton on television during the last quarter century. International conference, S4C, the first 25 years, Cardiff, organized by Mercator Media and the University of Wales, Cardiff

Moal Stefan (2006). "Kelaoua ha kelaouiñ e brezhoneg evit an tele", one day training session for Breton-French bilingual TV journalists, France 3, Plougastel-Daoulas

Moal Stefan (2006). "The Breton language, historical background and present situation", paper given to marine biology PhD students from abroad, CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), Roscoff

Moal Stefan (2005). "The Douarnenez Film Festival : a quarter century of exchanges", Milestones international conference, University of Wales, Aberystwyth

Moal Stefan (2005). "Enseigner conjointement le breton, le français et l’anglais, ou comment la langue de Grande-Bretagne peut contribuer à une meilleure maîtrise de celle de Petite-Bretagne et vice-versa", 4th international conference on 3rd language acquisition and multilingualism, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

Moal Stefan (2003). "La langue bretonne aujourd'hui", organised by the University of French Guyana and the municipality of Matoury, French Guyana

Moal Stefan (2002). "Breton into the XXIst century : from whistling in the dark to symphony ?", Celtic Language Symposium, Glucksman Ireland House, New York University, 02/11/2002

Moal Stefan (2002). "Breton in education" and "Breton in the media", two papers given to Maori students, Faculty of Maori Studies, Eastern Institute of Technology, Napier, New-Zealand

Moal Stefan (1999). "The Breton language media today", Pre-election seminar : A Gaelic news service, Leirsinn Research Centre, Inverness, Scotland

Moal Stefan (1999). "Breton in broadcasting", Young Celts in Broadcasting seminar, Celtic Media Festival, Portree, Isle of Skye, Scotland

Moal Stefan (1999). "L'enseignement bilingue breton-français", 11th creole international day : Creole in education, Saint-Denis, France

Moal Stefan (1998). Kendiviz Sardegna a confronto con altre minoranze linguistiche, organized by the Autonomous Government of Sardinia and the University of Cagliari, Sardinia

Academic articles translated into French

(2007) "Le régionalisme après la régionalisation : Galice, Bretagne et pays de Galles" (English by Frans Schrijver, University of Amsterdam) in Ronan Le Coadic, Identités et Sociétés de Plougastel à Okinawa, Rennes, PUR, p.109-140

(2006) "Un aperçu du cinéma des Balkans" (English by Dina Iordanova, University of Saint-Andrews, Edinburgh), catalogue, Douarnenez Film Festival, Douarnenez, p.10-13

(2005) "Résistances pacifistes pendant la première guerre mondiale : une étude comparée" (English by Francis Mac Collum Feeley, University of Grenoble III) in J-D. et M.Giraud, Émile Masson, prophète et rebelle, Rennes, PUR, p.307-333          

(2001) "Réalités du mouvement culturel maori / Un nebeud fedoù diwar-benn an emsav sevenadurel maori" (English by Joseph Te Rito, Eastern Institute of Technology, Hastings, New-Zealand), catalogue, Douarnenez Film Festival, Douarnenez, p.20-31          



Other information

Creative writing in Breton

Moal Stefan (2006), co-author with Yann Gerven, Francis Favereau, Goulc’han Kervella, Filip Oillo. "Pemp dorn d’ar maout", detective story, (142 p.), Dirinon, Al Liamm 357, p.100-142

Literary translation from French to Breton

(2009) "Soner", translation of "Sonneur" by Yann Meur, Coop Breizh 2002, Kemper, Al Lanv, 140 p.        

(2002) "Babel hag a-dost" translation of "Babel Ouest" by Gérard Alle (detective story), Paris, Baleine, Le Seuil, bilingual edition, 163 p. in Breton

Audiovisual translation from English/French to Breton

1999 : one month training on translating techniques for dubbing (AFDAS, Dubbing Brothers, Saint-Denis).

Since 1999, dozens of scripts translated and adpated from English or French into Breton for dubbing, broadcasted on TV Breizh and Brezhoweb : TV films, series, animations, documentaries, audioguides, etc. Dubbing director and/or linguistic supervisor, dubbing actor and sitcom actor in Breton. 

Interpreting : English / Breton / French, simultaneous or consecutive

Since 1986, for Bord Iascaigh Mhara (Ireland's Seafood Development Agency) ; European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages ; France 2 / France 3 TV channels ; Celtic Media Festival ; Douarnenez Film Festival ; Douarnenez maritime museum ; Brittany-Maasai-Solidarity, etc.


Since 2011, proofreader of articles in Breton for ArMen magazine

Since 2003, proofreading of Breton singer Nolwenn Korbell's lyrics prior to recording and CD booklet printing (N'eo ket echu, 2003 ; Bemdez c'houloù, 2006 ; Red, 2007 ; Noazh, 2010 ; Skeud ho roudoù, 2015)