Franck Multon
Leader of MimeTIC team (University of Rennes2, INRIA, ENS Rennes, University of Rennes1, CNRS)
M2S Research Unit ENS Rennes
Campus de Ker lann, Avenue Robert Schuman, 35170 Bruz - FRANCE
web : http://www.m2slab.com
tel : +33 631646357 fax : +33 299847100 mail : Franck.Multon[at]univ-rennes2.fr (Franck[dot]Multon[at]univ-rennes2[dot]fr)
Leader of the MimeTIC joint Inria Team (13 permanent staff, 32 members in total)
Member of University Rennes2 "Commission Recherche" since 2015
Member of the UFR APS steering committee
Member of the Inria "Comité des projets" in Rennes
2011-: Leader of the MIMETIC group in INRIA
2008-: Professor University Rennes 2 (1st class from 09/2013), M2S lab. & associate researcher INRIA.
2006: “Authorization to Direct Research” in University Rennes1, Computer Science Dpt, entitled “Motion analysis, Modelling and Simulation”. Jury: E. Berton (Marseille Univ., FR), R. Boulic (EPFL, CH), J. Hodgins (Carnegie-Mellon Univ., USA), JP. Laumond (LAAS/CNRS, FR), R.M. Alexander (Leeds Univ., UK), A. Berthoz (College de France, FR), D. Herman (Univ. Rennes1, FR) PDF
2005-2007: INRIA visiting Research Scientist in SIAMES project of IRISA
1998-2008: Associate professor in University Rennes 2, UFR-APS. Member of the Laboratory of Physiology and Biomechanics in physical activity and associate researcher in INRIA SIAMES (computer graphics lab.) project
1995-1998: PhD at the University Rennes 1, in computer science. “Motion control of human-like figures” directed by Bruno Arnaldi in the SIAMES project of INRIA Rennes, Professor at INSA Rennes
1991-1994: Graduated Engineer in ENSSAT, in computer Science
1993-1994: DEA (former Master degree) of University Rennes1, internship in the Inria DIALOG team for the recognition of text and gestures in a multimodal system