My research focuses on various issues related to the cognitive processing of complex documents and human-machine interaction:
- E-learning and multimedia comprehension
- Attention guiding in mutimedia learning
- Redundancy effects in mutimedia learning
- Illustrated text comprehension
- Active learning
- Learning with video podcasts and animations
- Usability, user experience evaluation and ICT acceptance.
Articles (2000-2024)
Riant, M., de Place, A.-L., Bressoux, P., Batruch, A., Bouet, M., Bressan, M., Brown, G., Butera, F., Cepeda, C., Cherbonnier, A., Darnon, C., Demolliens, M., Desrichard, O., Ducros, T., Goron, L., Hemon, B., Huguet, P., Jamet, E., Martinez, R., Mazenod, V., Mella, N., Michinov, E., Michinov, N., Ofosu, N., Peter, L., Petitcollot, B., Poletti, C., Régner, I., Robert, A., Rudmann, O., Sanrey, C., Stanczak, A., Toumani, F., Vilmin, S., Paolo Visintin, E., Vives, E., and Pansu, P. (2024). Does the Jigsaw method improve motivation and self-regulation in vocational high schools? Contemporary Educational Psychology, 102278. DOI:
Cherbonnier, A., Hémon, B., Michinov, N., Jamet, E., & Michinov, E. (2024). Collaborative Skills Training Using Digital Tools: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1–19.
Cazes, M., Noël, A., & Jamet, E. (2024). Cognitive effects of humorous drawings on learning: An eye-tracking study. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38(1), e4178.
Colliot, T., Krichen, O., Girard, N., Anquetil, É., & Jamet, É. (2024). What makes tablet-based learning effective? A study of the role of real-time adaptive feedback. British Journal of Educational Technology, 00, 1–18.
Hémon, B., Cherbonnier, A., Michinov, E., Jamet, E., & Michinov, N. (2024). When Instructions Based on Constructive Controversy Boost Synergy in Online Groups. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 40(5), 1102–1110.
Tordet, C., Erhel, S., Dodeler, V., Gonthier, C., Jamet, E., Nardi, N., Rouxel, G., & Wodey, E. (2023). The benefits of experiencing flow through distracting activities: flow reduces preoperative anxiety in children before surgery, but not postoperative difficulties. Psychology & Health, 1-20.
Merck, C., Noël, A., Jamet, E., Robert, M., Salmon, A., Belliard, S., & Kalénine, S. (2023). Nonspecific Effects of Normal Aging on Taxonomic and Thematic Semantic Processing. Experimental Aging Research, 49(1), 18-40.
Cojean, S., & Jamet, E. (2023) Effects of outlines and information seeking on learning outcomes in video-based environments, Interactive Learning Environments, 31:9, 6099-6111, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2022.2028854.
Merck, C., Noël, A., Jamet, É., Robert, M., Salmon, A., Belliard, S. & Kalénine, S. (2022). La démence sémantique : un bon modèle clinique de perte du système sémantique, Revue de neuropsychologie, 14, 171-178.
Rochat, J., Jamet, É. & Michinov, E. (2022). Learning by tablet-based drawing: Effects of verbal support among secondary-school students. L’ Année psychologique, 122, 513-536.
Jamet, E., & Michinov, E. (2022). Effects of verbal and visual support on learning by tablet-based drawing. Computers & Education, 181, 104460.
Cojean, S., & Jamet, E. (2022). Does an interactive table of contents promote learning from videos? A study of consultation strategies and learning outcomes. British Journal of Educational Technology, 53, 269– 285.
Peter, L., Michinov, N., Besançon, M., Michinov, E., Juhel, J., Brown, G., Jamet, E., Cherbonnier, A., and Profan Consortium (2021). Revisiting the Effects of Gender Diversity in Small Groups on Divergent Thinking: A Large-Scale Study Using Synchronous Electronic Brainstorming. Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers, 12:723235. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.723235
Mella, N., Pansu, P., Batruch, A., Bressan, M., Bressoux, P., Brown, G., Butera, F., Cherbonnier, A., Darnon, C., Demolliens, M., De Place, A.-L., Huguet, P., Jamet, E., Martinez, R., Mazenod, V., Michinov, E., Michinov, N., Poletti, C., Régner, I., Riant, M., Robert, A., Rudmann, O., Sanrey, C., Stanczak, A., Visintin, E. P., Vives, E., & Desrichard, O. (2021). Socio-emotional competencies and school performance in adolescence: What role for school adjustment? Frontiers in Psychology. Article 640661.
Tordet, C., Erhel, S., Wodey, E., Jamet, E., Nardi, N., & Gonthier, C. (2021). The Flow Observational Grid: an Observation-Based Solution to Assess Flow States. Journal of Happiness Studies. doi: 10.1007/s10902-021-00356-7
Colliot, T., & Jamet, É. (2021). Improving students’ learning by providing a graphic organizer after a multimedia document. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52(1), 252-265. doi:
Colliot, T., & Jamet, É. (2020). Effects of self-generated graphic organizers on learning depend on in-task guidance. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 36(5), 646-655. doi: 10.1111/jcal.12434
Bonneton-Botté, N., Fleury, S., Girard, N., Le Magadou, M., Cherbonnier, A., Renault, M., Anquetil, E. & Jamet, E. (2020). Can tablet apps support the learning of handwriting? An investigation of learning outcomes in kindergarten classroom. Computers & Education, 103831. doi:
Jamet, E., Gonthier, C., Cojean, S., Colliot, T., & Erhel, S. (2020). Does multitasking in the classroom affect learning outcomes? A naturalistic study. Computers in Human Behavior. doi:
Merck, C., Noël, A., Jamet, E., Robert, M., Salmon, A., Belliard, S., & Kalénine, S. (2020). Overreliance on thematic knowledge in semantic dementia: Evidence from an eye-tracking paradigm. Neuropsychology, doi: 10.1037/neu0000616
Merck, C., Noël, A., Jamet, E., Robert, M., Hou, C., Salmon, A., Belliard, S. & Kalénine, S. (2019). Identification of taxonomic and thematic relationships: Do the two semantic systems have the same status in semantic dementia? Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 41(9), 946-964. doi: 10.1080/13803395.2019.1641186
Colliot, T., & Jamet, É. (2019). Asking students to be active learners: the effects of totally or partially self-generating a graphic organizer on students’ learning performances. Instructional Science, 47(4), 463-480. doi: 10.1007/s11251-019-09488-z
Erhel, S., & Jamet, E. (2019). Improving instructions in educational computer games: Exploring the relations between goal specificity, flow experience and learning outcomes. Computers in Human Behavior, 91, 106-114. doi:
Jamet, É. & Erhel, S. (2019). Apprendre à partir d’illustrations, de vidéos ou de jeux vidéo : une mise en perspective de quelques travaux d’Alain Lieury. Bulletin de psychologie, numéro 563(5), 401-414. doi:10.3917/bupsy.563.0401.
Cojean, S., & Jamet, E. (2018). The role of scaffolding in improving information seeking in videos. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 34(6), 960-969. doi: 10.1111/jcal.12303
Colliot, T., & Jamet, É. (2018). Does self-generating a graphic organizer improve students’ learning? Computers & Education, 126, 13-22. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2018.06.02.8
Colliot, T., & Jamet, E. (2018) Understanding the Effects of a Teacher Video on Learning from a Multimedia Document: An Eye-Tracking Study, Educational Technology Research and Development.
Fleury, S., Jamet, É., Michinov, E., Michinov, N., & Erhel, S. (2018). A priori acceptability of various types of digital display feedback on electricity consumption. Le travail humain, 81(3), 247-267. doi: 10.3917/th.813.0247
Biard, N., Cojean, S. & Jamet, E. (2018) Effects of segmentation and pacing on procedural learning by video. Computers in Human Behavior.
Colliot, T., & Jamet, E. (2018). How does adding versus self-generating a hierarchical outline while learning from a multimedia document influence students' performances? Computers in Human Behavior, 80, 354-361. doi:
Cojean, S., & Jamet, E. (2017). Facilitating information-seeking activity in instructional videos: The combined effects of micro- and macroscaffolding. Computers in Human Behavior, 74, 294-302. doi:
Jamet, E. (2017). Impact of verbal redundancy and pacing of presentation in multimedia learning. Psychologie Francaise, 62(3), 223-231 . doi:
Fleury, S., Tom, A., Jamet, E., & Colas-Maheux, E. (2017). What drives corporate carsharing acceptance? A French case study. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 45, 218-227. doi:
Loup-Escande, E., Jamet, E., Ragot, M., Erhel, S., & Michinov, N. (2017). Effects of Stereoscopic Display on Learning and User Experience in an Educational Virtual Environment. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 33(2), 115-122. doi: 10.1080/10447318.2016.1220105
Fleury, S., Jamet, É., Roussarie, V., Bosc, L., & Chamard, J.-C. (2016). Effect of additional warning sounds on pedestrians’ detection of electric vehicles: An ecological approach. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 97, 176-185. doi:
Fernandez, J., & Jamet, E. (2016). Extending the testing effect to self-regulated learning. Metacognition and Learning, 1-26. doi: 10.1007/s11409-016-9163-9
Erhel, S., & Jamet, E. (2016). The effects of goal-oriented instructions in digital game-based learning. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-14. doi: 10.1080/10494820.2015.1041409
Jamet, E., & Fernandez, J. (2016). Enhancing interactive tutorial effectiveness through visual cueing. Educational Technology Research and Development, 64(4), 631-641. doi: 10.1007/s11423-016-9437-6
Loup-Escande, E., Jamet, E., Ragot, M., Erhel, S., Michinov, N., Peltier, C. & Lopez, T. (2015). Concevoir des environnements virtuels éducatifs avec les utilisateurs finaux : exemple du projet VirtualiTeach, Terminal
Fleury, S., & Jamet, E. (2015) Supervised Automatic Interpretation of Technical Documents: When Interruption is a Time Saver. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 120(1), 67-83.
Michinov, N., Jamet, E., Métayer, N., & Le Hénaff, B. (2015). The eyes of creativity: Impact of social comparison and individual creativity on performance and attention to others’ idea during electronic brainstorming. Computers in Human Behavior, 42 , 57-67.
Fleury, S., Jamet, E., Ghorbel, A., Lemaître, A. & Anquetil, E. (2015). Application of the Resources Model to the Supervision of an Automated Process. Human– Computer Interaction, 30:2, 103-121.
Michinov, E., Jamet, E., Dodeler, V., Haegelen, C., & Jannin, P. (2014). Assessing neurosurgical non-technical skills: an exploratory study of a new behavioural marker system. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 20(5), 582-588. doi: 10.1111/jep.12152
Fleury, S., & Jamet, E. (2014). Facilitating the comparison of multiple visual items on screen: The example of electronic architectural plan correction. Applied ergonomics, 45(3), 601-607.
Jamet, E. (2014). An eye-tracking study of cueing effects in multimedia learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 32(0), 47-53.
Erhel, S., & Jamet, E. (2013). Digital game-based learning: Impact of instructions and feedback on motivation and learning effectiveness. Computers & Education, 67(0), 156-167.
Fleury, S., Jamet, E., Loup-Escande, E., Ghorbel, A., Lemaître, A., Anquetil, E. (2013). "Towards Specifications for Automatic Recognition Software: An Example of a User-Centred Design," Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, Vol. 6 No. 10A, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2013.610A001.
Droulers O., Lajante M., Jamet E. Et Lacoste-Badie S. (2013), Effet de la complexité visuelle du packaging sur l’attention portée à la marque, La Revue des Sciences de Gestion.
Erhel, S. & Jamet, E. (2011). How Can Positive Effects of Pop-up Windows on Multimedia Learning be Explained ? Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 20(2), 135-156.
Février, F., Gauducheau, N., Jamet, E., Rouxel, G., et Salembier, P. (2011). La prise en compte des affects dans le domaine des interactions homme-machine: quels modèles, quelles méthodes, quels bénéfices? Le Travail Humain, 74, 183-201.
Le Bigot, L., Terrier, P., Jamet, E., Botherel, V., & Rouet, J.-F. (2010). Does written feedback hinder spoken interaction in natural language? Ergonomics.53 (1), 43-55.
Arguel, A., & Jamet, E. (2009). Using video and static pictures to improve learning of procedural contents. Computers in Human Behavior, 25(2), 354-359.
Gyselinck, V., Jamet, E., & Dubois, V. (2008). The role of working memory components in multimedia comprehension. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 22(3), 353-374.
Jamet, E. (2008) Peut-on concevoir des documents électroniques plus efficaces? L’exemple des diaporamas. European Review of Applied Psychology. 58, 185-198.
Jamet, E., & Arguel, A. (2008) La compréhension d’un document technique multimédia peut-elle être améliorée par une présentation séquentielle de son contenu? Le travail Humain. 3, 253-270.
Jamet E., Gavota, M., & Quaireau, C. (2008) Attention guiding in multimedia learning. Learning and instruction, 18(2), 135-145.
Jamet, E., & Le Bohec, O. (2007) The effect of redundant text on multimedia instruction. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 32(4), 588-598.
Le Bigot, L., Rouet, J.-F., & Jamet, E. (2007). Effects of speech and text-based interaction modes in natural language human-computer dialogue. Human Factors, 9, 1045-1053.
Le Bigot, L., Terrier, P., Amiel, V., Poulain, G., Jamet, E., & Rouet, J.-F. (2007). Effect of modality on collaboration with a dialogue system. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 65, 983-991.
Le Bigot, L., Jamet, E., Rouet, J.-F., & Amiel, V., (2006). Mode and modal transfer effects on performance and discourse organization with an information retrieval dialogue system in natural language. Computers in Human Behavior, 22 (3) 467-500
Jamet, E. (2006) Une présentation de quelques méthodes d’évaluation des EIAH en psychologie cognitive. Sciences et Technologies de l´Information et de la Communication pour l´Éducation et la Formation (STICEF). 13, 129-146. Disponible en téléchargement sur
Jamet, E., & Erhel, S. (2006). Les effets de l’intégration spatiale de fenêtres ponctuelles sur la compréhension de documents pédagogiques illustrés. Psychologie Française, Vol 51(1), 73-86.
Erhel, S., & Jamet, E. (2006). Using pop-up windows to improve multimedia learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 22, 137-147.
Le Bohec, O., & Jamet, E. (2005). Les effets de redondance dans l'apprentissage à partir de documents multimédia. Le travail Humain, 68(2), 97-124.
Le Bigot, L., Jamet, E., & Rouet, J.-F. (2004). Searching information with a natural language dialogue system: a comparison of spoken vs. written modalities. Applied Ergonomics, 35(6), 557-564.
Jamet, E., Le Bohec O., & Hidrio, C. (2003) Comment présenter l’information dans les documents numériques éducatifs ? Une approche de psychologie cognitive. Documents numériques, 1, 25-38.
Hidrio, C., & Jamet, E. (2002). Compréhension d'un dispositif technique: Apports d'une illustration dynamique et de traitements multiples. Psychologie Française, 47(1), 61-67.
Jamet, E. (2002). L'apport des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication dans la conception des documents techniques. Psychologie Française, 47(1), 33-40.
Jamet, E. (2000). L'intégration spatiale d'éléments textuels et illustratifs améliore-t-elle la performance? Revue d'intelligence artificielle, 14, 167-188